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As we continue to expand Avikro, we also remain focused on
our leadership in the offline merchandise market. We
observed exceptional numbers for our stores throughout the
year as we keep on adding new stores across different
locations. In this year’s last two quarters, we rolled out
unmanned checkout, mobile wallet and various other
technological capabilities that will further improve
customers’ shopping experiences.
One of the reasons why our customers love Avikro is because
they can be guaranteed to find the merchandise they need at
a reasonable price. Additionally, as each store has been built
at a strategic location, we take advantage of this proximity to
execute and  complete online orders as efficiently as possible.
Even though Avikro’s online store feels like a familiar
consumer website to our users, it is powered by what we
believe is one of the fastest, safest and most sophisticated
network and cloud software.
Collaboration is the key to our success, and it ignites fresh
ideas at all levels. So, it is no surprise that Avikro won 22
awards in 2017. Our investments into chain
technologies and logistical solutions have allowed us to
provide high quality service to our customers with a more
interconnected retail experience.
Our novel approach to employee relations resulted in seven
best workplace awards. We call our approach Human Asset
Management, and it relies on a philosophy of putting our
employees first, listening to their voices, and responding to
their needs. This extra care for our employees gets passed on
to our customers every day. Hallo 1223
I am extremely proud to work with such talented and
dedicated employees who have changed our customers' lives,
as evidenced by our European Customer Satisfaction Index
score of 75, as well as our American Customer Satisfaction
Index of 71—among the highest in any industry. Happy
customers lead to high revenue retention rates, which fuel
our annual revenue stream.
I want to thank our employees and customers who inspire us
every day, and I want to thank our stockholders for
continuing to believe in us.
My best,
Anne Cox
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
April 26, 2022
Avikro ® Sustainability Report | 2021
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