Waste means any substance or object arising from our routine operations which we discard or
intend to discard, or we are required to discard.
Hazardous waste is waste that is classified and regulated as such, according to the national,
state or local legislation in place.
Our objective is to have zero hazardous waste to landfill at our locations in 2022.
In addition, Hazardous waste per ton of production decreased by (1)% in 2021. The majority of
our locations worldwide contributed to the reduction in waste generation. Examples of waste
reduction projects include solvent recovery, reducing packaging waste by moving from smaller
paper bags or metal drums to bulk deliveries of raw materials, and reworking obsolete finished
goods. To increase our contribution to the circular economy, new outlets were identified for
materials which otherwise would have been disposed of, resulting in over 6 ktons less waste. In
total, 35 ktons of our waste in 2021 was reusable, making our contribution to the circular
economy 33 ktons.
We also assessed new waste management software that could help our efforts to reduce the
amount of waste we generate. We worked with our supplier to configure the system
specifically for Avikro. We have started to implement the system in our European business and
plan to roll it out to major facilities across our businesses over the next few years.