Fair Lending
Our Business Activities
We have 4 primary legal entities under the Avikro Financial Holding Company.
• Avikro Financial Holding Company: Parent company that provides capital and liquidity to
support to its subsidiaries and supports dividend payments to shareholders. Minimal
balance sheet exposure, generally highly liquid sovereign debt and cash.
• Avikro National Bank: Our primary banking entity offering a full-suite of commercial,
commercial real estate, consumer mortgages, and other consumer lending products. Our
branch footprint is primarily concentrated in California with 20% in low-to-moderate
income neighbourhoods representing 48% of our deposits and X of our loans.
• Avikro Charitable Foundation: This entity is primarily responsible for administering grants
and donations back to the community through various designated initiatives. Funding
occurs through the holding company.
• Avikro Community Development Foundation: Identifies, supports, and administers direct
investments and sales of low to moderate income housing. Small business grants (opposed
to lending) are also originated here to support selected local businesses.