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Avikro has long supported the direct regulation of methane when regulation is efficient,
effective and encourages innovation. We need more robust measurement, transparency and
management to successfully reduce carbon emissions globally.
GHG and energy management plans must include the sources of GHG emissions, as well as a
forecast of expected emissions at the site for at least 10 years. Projects under development
that are expected to have a material GHG footprint must meet carbon performance standards
or industry benchmarks. During development, projects are expected to evaluate relevant low
carbon technologies and options to remove GHG emissions. Total Scope 1 emissions for the
year is 316.82 metric tons of CO2e.
Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)
Our Strategy
Performance Overview
SDG Response
Environmental Reporting
Social Reporting
Governance Reporting
EU Taxonomy
Avikro ® Sustainability Report | 2021
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